Zombies are a common subject in most English horror movies. The way dead bodies start getting up with blue eyes, no flesh in the body scares the hell out of people.
Walking Dead is one such series available on Netflix showing us the zombies parade. In this show, there are fewer people and more zombies!
This show is based on the comic book series written by three authors Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. It is one of the best horror comics ever written in the history of the comics.
While making the show they have tried not to be much dependent on comics. Hence people who have read the book may not like all episodes because they seem prolonged.
Story is;
The first episode of the first season starts with Police Officer Rick (Andrew Lincoln) getting up from a coma. By the time he comes to his conscious, he realizes that the world has been overrun by zombies! What will you do if you woke up from a coma and see zombies surrounding you?
Rick goes in search of his wife and kid. After a certain amount of travel, he finds his family, best friend Shane, and other survivors trying to be safe from Zombies.
This whole group hides woods. They go to town in search of food, medicines, and other basic amenities for daily life. They encounter zombies at every step of their lives and fight hard to survive.
Life is full of hopes
That is what the creators of the show are trying to convey. The way Rick and team survive in the rotting world finds ways to fight zombies, create their own human world, develop bonding within a group, emotions, love, and everything will give you hopes.
They have lost their family but found a new one!
I liked the season where they start living in Jail. It was full of zombies but they cleared it and made it as their home. When life challenges you, you have to challenge back!
They even start growing vegetables in jail yard and it was nice to see them happily living together.
It starts getting bored…
Yes! The first season has 6 episodes hence is interesting but from the second season, they have unnecessarily stretched it! If you are ready to watch all those ten seasons then be prepared to watch lots of blood & Zombies. Don’t complain that we didn’t warn you!
The funny part of the series is dead people keep coming back as zombies. Their own group members who couldn’t survive return as zombies to attack living people. Hence it’s like a vicious circle of zombies!

Don’t miss this series
Even after all those warnings why we are reccomonding this series is because, the show is well made with lots of interesting twists and surprising elements. Definetly one of the good show on Netflix.
If you like watching horror shows then this one is for you! Walking dead will literally give you heebie jeebies.