Today I’m talking about my favorite show, Gilmore Girls. This is the story of a mother and daughter living in small-town Stars Hollow.
When I started watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix I didn’t expect it to be so addictive. The storyline is simple, but Lori and Rory will touch your heart.
Lorelai Gilmore comes from a rich family who became pregnant when she was 16. Since her parents didn’t support her she comes out of the house.
This innocent pregnant girl who is in her teenage struggles to earn bread and butter. She works in the hotel ‘Independence Inn’ as a maid and eventually gets promoted as a manager. In the same restaurant, her friend Sookie is working as the main chef who cooks delicious food items. They both are really close and Sookie knows everything that happens in Lori’s life.
In the future, they want to start their own restaurant.
Lorelai’s daughter Rory Gilmore grows in Stars Hollow where everyone loves her. She is cute, innocent, smart, intelligent, sensitive and understands her mother.
Rory’s dad Christopher occasionally visits them.
Richard & Emily are Lori’s parents who would love to spend time with their daughters. Lori tries to avoid them because they always try to impose their ideology on Rory.
Top 20 shows recommend watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix. It’s light-hearted, filled with emotions and fun.
It is a story of strong MOM
She ran away from her house when she was 16 and pregnant. She didn’t have a place to sleep, money, friends, and family. She joined a restaurant as a maid and built her life on her own.
Lorelai came from a rich family hence was not aware of the difficulties that life had to offer. Courageously she faced everything. She survived the difficult phase of her life.
Eventually, that small city became her town. She made many friends, she struggled to provide everything to her daughter, as a result, her daughter Rory grown up as one smart and sensitive kid.
Luke Danes owned a diner in Stars Hollow. He had a secret crush on Lorelai (Though everyone in the town knew about it!) who would be always there for her. Lori never marries anyone because of Rory. She didn’t want to bring another father to her daughter’s life.
Lori borrows money from her parents as a loan to cope up with Rory’s private school fees.
She supports her daughter’s Harvard dream even though her financial condition was not good. She gets excited when Rory got selected into the Harvard. But Rory understands her mother’s un-told feeling and selects Yale instead of Harvard.
One more thing she designs beautiful dresses for her daughter! She is young, smart, beautiful and the best mom.
And she loves coffee!
They are friends…
When you see Gilmore Girls you will see the chemistry between Mom & Daughter. Lorelai never acted like a Mom to Rory. She was watching her constantly, taking care of her but she was like a best friend to her.
When Rory had her first break up, Lori gives her suggestions about ‘How to come over from a break up’. She suggests Rory stay in pajamas, eat junk food and watch sad movies.
They both can talk about a cute boy in the town, their crushes, and date nights. This mother-daughter duo will make you feel young again.
Lore’s mother Emily want to maintain the same relationship with her daughter and granddaughter but never gets it because of the generation gap. She envies their relationship and tries to be close to them.
Rory’s dream is Harvard and she studies hard for it. Lore knows that she is not financially capable and cannot live without Rory if she goes to Harward but never shows it.
Stars Hollow is family
The town stars Hollow is filled with all kind of people. You will see Kirk always fighting with the people for a various reason, Miss Patty who runs a dance class, Bad tempered Michel, Rory’s friends Paris Geller & Lane and many other people. It is fun to watch these characters revolving around Lorelai & Rory.
Stars Hollow arranges events like Snow Santa, 24 hours dance competition, Bidding for handmade products, Christmas celebration… They are part of each and everyone’s life.
Every episode makes you fall in love with this town.

Top 8 reasons to watch Gilmore Girls on Netflix
- It’s GREAT
- Lorelai is the role model for every single parent. she teaches how to be independent and self-sufficient amidst all the problems.
- Gilmore Girls teaches you how to be friendly with your teen-kids. If your parenting continues as if they are still kids problems persist making them feel you are against them.
- Education is important! Throughout Gilmore Girls we see Rory preparing for Harvard. She wants to be a journalist, reads lots of books and thus wins everybody’s heart with her knowledge and cuteness.
- Lorelai and Sookie want to open their own restaurant. They came to the edge of reaching with their dream but had to drop because of the financial circumstances. But they don’t STOP! In the final episode, you can see that they open their own restaurant. Gilmore Girls teaches to keep climbing the stairs until we see the top of it.
- Gilmore Girls takes us back to our teenage. By seeing Rory going to school, experiencing a first kiss, first date, Prom night etc bring back the memories.
- Dialogues! You just see the conversation between Lorelai & Rory. They TALK & TALK & TALK! But that never seem boring.
- Learn how to be confident. Amidst all problems, financial issue Lori never broke herself. She kept her identity as a strong woman and taught the same to her daughter.
Lauren Graham is my favorite
She is the one who played Lorelai Gilmore’s role. I can say she is the heart of this show. She is witty, talks fast, and beautiful inside & outside.
She is one multitasking woman I always look to as an inspiration. Apart from the TV shows & acting she is the Newyork best selling author! She has written 2 books and one of them is ‘Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls’ based on the Gilmore Girls show.