Welcome to the world of “Never Have I Ever,” the captivating Netflix show that follows the comedic and heartfelt adventures of Devi Vishwakumar and her friends as they navigate the trials and tribulations of high school life. Inspired by the show’s witty dialogue, relatable characters, and memorable moments, we’ve curated a collection of 50 irresistible “Never Have I Ever” statements that will ignite laughter, introspection, and a whole lot of fun!
In this game, prepare to uncover surprising secrets, share hilarious anecdotes, and perhaps even reveal hidden sides of yourself that you never knew existed. Whether you’re a devoted fan of the show or simply seeking a lively and engaging activity, these statements will transport you into the world of Devi, her friends, and their unforgettable experiences.
From Devi’s misadventures in love to her humorous clashes with her family, each “Never Have I Ever” statement draws inspiration from the show’s most memorable moments. You’ll find yourself reflecting on Devi’s impulsive decisions, empathizing with her struggles to fit in, and reminiscing about the awkwardness and excitement of your own high school years.
So gather your friends, family, or fellow fans of “Never Have I Ever” and get ready to embark on a playful journey of self-discovery and shared laughter. Let the game begin as you uncover thrilling secrets, exchange captivating stories, and bond over the delightful chaos that is adolescence. Get ready to dive into the world of “Never Have I Ever” and create memories that will leave you smiling long after the game is over.
- Never have I ever dated two people at the same time, like Devi did with Ben and Paxton.
- Never have I ever secretly dated someone my friends didn’t approve of, like Devi did with Paxton.
- Never have I ever joined a school club or activity just to impress someone, like Devi joining the Model UN.
- Never have I ever had a crush on my best friend’s sibling, like Devi did with Kamala and Steve.
- Never have I ever had an awkward encounter with a teacher, like Devi did with Mr. Kulkarni.
- Never have I ever made a romantic gesture that completely backfired, like Devi’s grand gesture for Paxton.
- Never have I ever used my cultural background to my advantage, like Devi did during her college interviews.
- Never have I ever made up an elaborate lie to impress someone, like Devi’s fake stories about her dad.
- Never have I ever had a complicated relationship with my grandparents, like Devi did with her Nani.
- Never have I ever stolen something, even if it was just a small item, like Devi stealing a textbook.
- Never have I ever made a fool of myself at a school dance, like Devi did at the Winter Formal.
- Never have I ever had an unexpected make-out session, like Devi and Ben in the car.
- Never have I ever sabotaged someone’s relationship, like Devi did with Paxton and his girlfriend.
- Never have I ever pretended to be someone I’m not to fit in, like Devi did when she tried to become a “cool girl.”
- Never have I ever been caught spying on someone, like Devi and her friends spying on Paxton.
- Never have I ever had a secret admirer, like Devi did with her secret admirer at the school dance.
- Never have I ever had a complicated love triangle, like Devi, Ben, and Paxton.
- Never have I ever had an emotional breakdown at school, like Devi did in the classroom.
- Never have I ever pretended to be interested in something just to impress someone, like Devi did with tennis.
- Never have I ever had a secret crush on a teacher, like Devi did with her hot math teacher.
- Never have I ever gotten into a physical fight with someone, like Devi did with her nemesis, Ben.
- Never have I ever thrown a wild party at my house without my parents’ knowledge, like Devi’s party.
- Never have I ever been caught stalking someone’s social media profiles, like Devi did with Paxton’s Instagram.
- Never have I ever had an embarrassing moment during a school presentation, like Devi’s meltdown in front of the class.
- Never have I ever used a dating app to meet someone, like Devi did with the app “Hot or Not.”
- Never have I ever lied about my age to impress someone, like Devi did when she said she was older to a college guy.
- Never have I ever had a major wardrobe malfunction at a crucial moment, like Devi’s saree mishap during Ganesh Puja.
- Never have I ever had a secret crush on a close friend, like Devi did with Eleanor.
- Never have I ever tried to cover up a major mistake with an even bigger lie, like Devi’s web of lies after breaking a window.
- Never have I ever accidentally insulted someone to their face, like Devi unintentionally insulting her classmates.
- Never have I ever gotten into a heated argument with a family member, like Devi’s arguments with her mom.
- Never have I ever had an embarrassing moment while playing a sport, like Devi’s tennis mishaps.
- Never have I ever used cheesy pickup lines on someone I liked, like Devi attempting to impress Paxton.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during an important event or ceremony, like Devi did during Ganesh Puja.
- Never have I ever ruined a surprise party by accidentally revealing it, like Devi did for her mom’s party.
- Never have I ever had a major crush on a celebrity, like Devi’s obsession with John McEnroe.
- Never have I ever had a secret talent that surprised my friends, like Devi’s hidden talent for playing the harp.
- Never have I ever pretended to be sick to avoid an important event, like Devi did to skip a family function.
- Never have I ever thrown a prayer ceremony to communicate with my deceased parent, like Devi did with her dad’s shrine.
- Never have I ever accidentally ruined a friend’s romantic relationship, like Devi did with Eleanor and Malcolm.
- Never have I ever kissed someone in a car, like Devi and Ben during their road trip.
- Never have I ever played a prank that went horribly wrong, like Devi and her friends’ attempt to sabotage Kamala’s wedding.
- Never have I ever secretly read someone else’s personal diary, like Devi did with Eleanor’s journal.
- Never have I ever had a fight with a close friend over a romantic interest, like Devi and Eleanor did over Ben.
- Never have I ever pretended to be someone else online, like Devi did with her fake Instagram account.
- Never have I ever made a heartfelt apology in front of the whole school, like Devi did at the Model UN conference.
- Never have I ever made a grand romantic gesture to win someone back, like Devi did with Paxton at the swim meet.
- Never have I ever had an embarrassing encounter with a teacher in a public place, like Devi did with Mr. Shapiro at the grocery store.
- Never have I ever gone on a disastrous date, like Devi’s awkward and cringe-worthy date with Malcolm.
- Never have I ever had an unexpected encounter with an ex at a social event, like Devi and Ben.