We were checking for “Essential series on HBO” when we bought the HBO subscription. We subscribed to HBO to watch Game of Thrones(GOT) but there was plenty of time left even after watching all the episodes of GOT.
“True Detective” came first in the list. Many Bloggers, Quora users suggested Ture Detective and also mentioned that it is equivalent to Breaking Bad & Sherlock.
That made us curious!
Show that is equivalent to Breaking Bad & Sherlock?
So we started watching True Detective.
As the name suggests it is mainly based on a case investigation. There are 3 seasons, with each consisting of different story and characters.
In the first season, Detectives Rust & Marty investigate a murder which was done by a serial killer. This killer used to leave a similar kind of tattoos, marks on the dead body.
It takes place in Louisiana. Along with detectives, a few Homicides work on this case but unable to find the killer. It took them 17 years long to solve the case!
The second season takes place in California where a group of detectives and polices investigate the murder of a politician. A businessman who was criminal in the past and his activities are the main part of the investigation.
The third season is the investigation about missing Children.
Is it worth watching?
Yes! If you like crime, drama, mysteries, suspences, detective job then you will like this series. However, the first few episodes are very boring, REALLY BORING!
I was about to stop watching this series. Until 5th(or 6th) episode story runs really slow. They slowly give background to the story and the mysterious murder.
This is how real investigation takes place! You will start finding the clues along with the detectives. Unless like other detective stories there is no sudden twist that makes you feel ‘Woww I didn’t think about it’. Here you will feel ‘That’s exactly what I was thinking. What took so long for this detective to find this simple truth’.

Are you getting the point?
The story involves the watchers and makes them find the clues. In real case scenarios, it actually happens like this. Police & Detectives take really long time to find out the murderer.
The story is written and Directed by Nic Pizzolatto (Single man show!).
The direction is very crisp, the cast is brilliant and the shooting of this series is very different. No wonder this series is nominated for EMMY awards and got a high rating in IMDB.
Watch it with subtitles!
When I said I was about to turn it off, I read a suggestion given by many users. They suggested to turn the caption ON for better understanding.
Trust me, that really works! Conversations are written in such a way that there is a hidden clue in every dialogue. They help you (& the detectives) to solve the case.
One of the Most watched Series
True Detective 1st season is the most-watched HBO original series among the best of HBO Shows. One of the highly-rated show in the history of Television.
Sherlock’s intelligence and Breaking Bad acting are finely blended making it complete entertainment for fans. I initially felt that Detective ‘Rust’ himself might be the serial killer in season 1. He has done an excellent job and his performance is widely appreciated.
If you have already watched then share your opinion in the comment section.