It’s time to talk about one of my favorite shows, THIS IS US. A family shows suitable for all generations and it has some great morals for everyone!
This is us is a story of a Father, Mother & their three children. The reason why it affects viewers more than any other shows is because the story runs from the time this couple fell in love until they get old. Their love life, marriage, pregnancy phase, triplets delivery, the childhood of their children, thier teenage life.. everything is shown here. It is like watching life in a full circle.
Jack, Rebecca, Kate, Randall, and Kevin become part of our life.
The beauty of this series is the way they have combined different phases of life without affecting the flow. The director of this show beautifully wrote Jack’s character but kept the secret about his disappearance. That’s how many twists and plots were incorporated into the show to make people hooked to it.
This Show Is About;

Family Values! Jack and Rebecca are a happily married couple who gets pregnant with triplets. Jack has a small business hence they belong to a middle-class family. Things start changing when Rebecca gets pregnant with triplets. Though they are happy about their kids, their future financial state concerns them and Jack works hard to make everything better.
However, God has his own plans for every living thing on this earth. So Jack and Rebecca have some unexpected twists in their life. After the delivery, they will come to know that the third baby couldn’t survive. They already named their three kids, bought 3 cradles, decorated the baby room to fit 3 kids, bought clothes, knitted three pairs of socks… But there is no third baby!
This affects Rebecca more and she seems depressed after the delivery. Then they decide to adopt the THIRD BABY! That is how Randall enters the Pearson family. The entry of this black baby into the white family brings many questions from society. But Jack & Rebecca love their kids unconditionally.
This family show will make you cry, laugh, and fall in love with the characters, overall you will feel attached to the Pearson family. There are lots of life lessons to learn from ‘This Is Us’. Let’s look at them one by one.
1) Be Your Child’s Comfort

Every family has that one person who doesn’t speak about his problems. Guess who? DAD! Even in modern society dad is expected to be the financial support system whether we acknowledge it or not. Jack is one such father who bears all the pain silently. He dedicated his life to his wife and kids. Jack did everything he could, loved the kids unconditionally, and fought his weakness.
No matter what the issue is, kids run to Jack to share their problems. He gives them confidence, to be part of their small little crimes, and communicates with Rebecca to make her understand better. Such parental behavious can make your kids feel comfort to share their thoughts or any situation.
2) Learn To Forgive

We all should learn to ‘LET GO’ things. The more you hold a grudge the more you will suffer. Sometimes most of the issues will be solved by just one simple forgiveness.
Randall is the best example when we are talking about forgiveness. He is empathetic throughout the story. He forgave his biological father even after knowing that he just left him in the fire station.
When Randall discovered about Rebecca keeeping a secret from him about his biological father. He was angry at her but still, he understood her motherly love, fear of losing him hence forgave her. That made their bond more stronger.
3) Kids Learn From The Parents

Parents are the first teachers to their kids. Maybe they are not teaching in a classroom fashion but whatever they talk, eat, act is promptly followed by the kids.
If you are a parent, remember this – They are observing you!
Jack’s mother feared about him that he might end up like his father because Jack’s father was an alcoholic. Hence she always told him not to be like his father. Jack grew up to be a great gentleman! He comforted his kids and taught them to do the right things in life. Randall follows his dad’s path. When he got married and had kids, he wanted to adapt a kid just like his parents.
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4) Nobody Is Perfect
We all are in the era of Social Media, hiding our sorrows and posting only the happy moments. Only we and our closed ones know what exactly we are going through. Otherwise, the rest of the world thinks that we are super happy!
This trend of showcasing perfection is not what reality is. We need to learn that nobody is perfect in this world. Everyone has that baggage full of problems hanging on their back. Everyone is dealing with their own insecurities.
Big example to illustrate this fact is Kate. She has everything, a loving mother, a supportive father, two brothers with whom she can be herself, play, share thoughts, her beautiful voice, everything makes Kate life perfect. But was she happy with what she had? No! even after having everything she fought with the inferiority complex because of her overweight. We need to accept our flaws and be ourselves no matter how classy the world looks.
5) Relationships Need Balancing
Have you observed Kate & Toby’s relationship? The cute romantic couple? They both have obesity but Tony never bothers about it. While the same obesity is making Kate hide under the rock! She has an inferiority complex but Toby makes fun out of his own weight.
Jack & Rebecca were also the same. While Rebecca forgets Jack’s birthday, Jack is always first in surprising her with a lot of gifts. Though Jack used to drink on Rebecca’s back he never kept any secrets from her but Rebecca kept big secrets from Jack.
Then comes Randall and Beth! These two are ideal couples of the show. Initially they looked perfect with their cute little family, they started facing a lot of differences in the later episodes.
‘This is us’ shows that when you are in a relationship you need to understand your partner’s emotions and behave accordingly. Understanding each other takes a relationship to the next level.
6) Family Is Everything

One thing that lasts forever is FAMILY. Problems won’t last forver. Misunderstandings fade away. At the end of the day your family comes to your support irrespective of difference of opinions or fights.
There are many incidents in ‘This is us’ where they support each other in all the odds. It feels that this family is really exists somewhere in our neighborhood. Every girl wants a husband like Jack Pearson. Every mother wants their Kid to be like Randall.
They have their differences but never let them empower their love and emotions. This show highlights the importance of family and relations.
7) Learn to Move On

Things will change! Nothing is constant in this world. Whatever we have might not be there for tomorrow. Live every day.
Once after Jack’s death, Rebecca married his best friend. Nobody ever imagined that Rebecca will accept someone else in her life. Because Jack and Rebecca were inseoperable. When we think practically, being in Rebecca’s shoes we can understand her pain. She doesn’t want to suffer alone in the memories of Jack. She loves him but she has her own life.
It is important to move on with life. Don’t be stagnant!
8) Feeling Ignored
Happened with Kevin! He felt ignored throughout his childhood. Jack and Rebecca were extremely cautious towards Kate and Randall. Kate was dealing with weight problems hence Rebecca always had an eye on her. Randall got extra care because they feared he might feel separated from the family because he was adopted.
Since Kevin looked perfcetly fine, his parents thought that he can handle everything on his own. This made him feel jealous of Randall.
This usually happens in a family where there two or more kids. When the second kid is born the first one may feel out of the blue looking at all the focus the little baby is getting. Parents must be aware of such tricky situation and make kids understand they are important too.
9) Everything Happens For Good
William left his baby in the Fire station hoping his kid will get a better future than the one he could provide to him. When he meets the grown-up Randall at a later point in life, William was guilty of his actions. William is not the bad person here. It is just situation that made him act the way he did.
Sometimes life is cruel, it makes people choose the wrong path. If we give them one more chance they might end up as the best humans we have ever met! Always see the good things in people, life and spread positivity.
10) Pregnancy Needs Extra Care
Dear men, don’t take your pregnant wife lightly thinking it is one common phase of life. Pregnancy needs extra care for both men and women. While the women are bearing physical and emotional pain, men are bearing the future financial tensions. It is one of the most important phase in a couples life.

Even though Rebecca had multiple mood swings during her pregnancy Jack understood her without any explaination. Hence those fights didn’t affect their relationship. They both planned everything for their kids and proved as the best parents ever.